Thompson Center BCBA Re-Elected President of State Organization
Congratulations to Ali Cooper, senior behavior analyst at the Thompson Center, on her re-election as the president of the Missouri Association for Behavior Analysis (MOABA)! MOABA is an organization founded to support and promote scientific research on basic principles of behavior and the effective and ethical application of those principles. The organization hosts a summer workshop and an annual conference each year in pursuit of that goal. As president, Cooper’s primary responsibility is to coordinate these events in collaboration with other board members. She will continue to oversee board meetings and committees, organize conference details, and report to MOABA’s affiliate organization, ABAI.
Photo: MOABA board members at November 2023 annual conference, from left to right Sadiqa Reza (member at large), Dr. Andresa De Souza (Treasurer), Madeline Burke (Past President), John Guercio (Member at Large), Ali Cooper (President-Elect), Madison Imler (student representative), Dr. Jordan Belisle (president) and Miin An Hosic (Secretary)