This story appears in the Fall 2023 issue of DISCOVERY, the Thompson Center’s research newsletter. Find more content like this on our DISCOVERY webpage. At the Thompson Center, our dedicatedContinue reading “Unveiling the Journey of Discovery: Clinical Trials at the Thompson Center”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Study: Diet Not Connected to GI Problems in Children with Autism
Many children with autism spectrum disorder experience significant gastrointestinal issues, but the cause of these symptoms is unknown. Now, researchers from the University of Missouri School of Medicine and ThompsonContinue reading “Study: Diet Not Connected to GI Problems in Children with Autism”
Vacation and Travel Tips for Families with Special Needs
By Adrienne Cornwall COLUMBIA, Mo. (July 1, 2015) — Summer is prime-time for families with children to take advantage of the school break for vacation. While many families do someContinue reading “Vacation and Travel Tips for Families with Special Needs”
4 Summer Activity Ideas for Kids with Special Needs
COLUMBIA, Mo. (July 1, 2015) — Have you hit the summer doldrums? Try incorporating these activities into your summer routine. 1. Get Outside! Plenty of outside time helps head off behaviorContinue reading “4 Summer Activity Ideas for Kids with Special Needs”
Settle Into Summer
By Adrienne Cornwall and Abigail Dempsey COLUMBIA, Mo. (July 1, 2015) — School is out, but summer’s break in routine can also come with challenges. For children with autism orContinue reading “Settle Into Summer”