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Our compassionate and knowledgeable team is here to address your unique needs and provide the best possible care for your child’s neurodevelopmental journey.

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Teaching for a stronger community.

We are here to equip learners with the essentials skills needed to create positive change in the lives of people with developmental differences.

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Researching for a better tomorrow.

Our goal is to unlock discoveries that will revolutionize the lives of individuals with autism and other neurodevelopmental diagnoses.

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We’re here to help.

Our compassionate and knowledgeable team is here to address your unique needs and provide the best possible care for your child’s neurodevelopmental journey.

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Teaching for a stronger community.

We are here to equip learners with the essentials skills needed to create positive change in the lives of people with developmental differences.

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Researching for a better tomorrow.

Our goal is to unlock discoveries that will revolutionize the lives of individuals with autism and other neurodevelopmental diagnoses.

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Thompson Center for Autism & Neurodevelopment

205 Portland Street, Columbia, MO 65211


October 3, 2022

STRIVE Staff Receive Access Mizzou Award

By Emily Morrison

Cortney Fish and Jaclyn Benigno were awarded the Lee Henson Access Mizzou Award on September 28 for their work on the Thompson Center’s STRIVE program. Self-Determined Transition Readiness Through Individual Vocational Experiences (STRIVE) is a post-secondary education program offering two semesters of non-credit employment skills development at the University of Missouri for 18- to 30-year-olds with autism or a similar diagnosis.

Fish has worked on STRIVE since its beginning in 2016 and Benigno joined the following year. The program is currently in its seventh cohort and has had 27 participants over the years.

The Lee Henson Access Mizzou Award is given to individuals who have had an impact on accessibility and disability at the University of Missouri. Lee Henson, for whom the award was named, was the ADA Coordinator at Mizzou who passed away in 2014 after 20 years of service to the University.

Congratulations and thank you to Cortney and Jaclyn for their hard work!

Left to right: Cortney Fish; Jaclyn Benigno; Amber Cheek, MU Director of Accessibility & ADA Coordinator. Photo by Sam O’Keefe, University of Missouri.