“Supporting Appropriate Behavior” is the first of three FREE professional development webinars for professionals working with individuals with autism in residential settings. This series runs from 3-4 p.m. CST onContinue reading “Professional Development Series: Supporting Appropriate Behavior”
Tag Archives: professional training
Autism & Masking with Haley Moss
Join us for a virtual presentation and Q&A regarding masking and autism. This event will provide an opportunity to learn about social masking and its consequences. Social masking is aContinue reading “Autism & Masking with Haley Moss”
Thompson Center experts lead the way in Delaware
Newark, DE — Experts and other stakeholders in the Delaware autism community are taking action to improve diagnostic practices for autism, which has risen in prevalence by 80% in DelawareContinue reading “Thompson Center experts lead the way in Delaware”
Thompson Center Trainees Learn the “Value of Flexibility”
Last fall, the Thompson Center welcomed a record 13 psychology student trainees to learn and take part in diagnosing autism under the direct, clinical supervision of the center’s nationally recognizedContinue reading “Thompson Center Trainees Learn the “Value of Flexibility””
Dr. Paul Offit Visits the Thompson Center
Thompson Center faculty and staff were pleased to welcome Dr. Paul Offit to the center for a question and answer session with the vaccination advocate. Paul Offit is a pediatrician specializing inContinue reading “Dr. Paul Offit Visits the Thompson Center”
Smashing the Record (Again!)
The Thompson Center experienced another incredible success at it’s 13th annual Thompson Center Autism Conference, once again smashing the attendance record! This year, 568 autism professionals from around the countryContinue reading “Smashing the Record (Again!)”
Thompson Center psychology team training a record 13 future autism professionals
As autism awareness and prevalence rates continue to rise, the need for highly trained autism experts has increased exponentially in recent years. However, a significant shortage of adequately trained autismContinue reading “Thompson Center psychology team training a record 13 future autism professionals”
A “First Class” First Class
Within a few days of beginning an internship at the Thompson Center as a part of her undergraduate degree, Brittany Schmitz knew without a doubt that she wanted to beContinue reading “A “First Class” First Class”
TIPS4Kids: Meeting the Care Needs for Special Needs
As one of the nation’s premier autism centers, the Thompson Center strives to provide the best patient care, autism research and training possible. As a part of the University ofContinue reading “TIPS4Kids: Meeting the Care Needs for Special Needs”
2017 Thompson Center Autism Conference
The Thompson Center for Autism & Neurodevelopmental Disorders held its 12th annual autism conference on Sept. 21-22 in Chesterfield, Mo. This year’s conference set a record with 500 participants. ThisContinue reading “2017 Thompson Center Autism Conference”