Our compassionate and knowledgeable team is here to address your unique needs and provide the best possible care for your child’s neurodevelopmental journey.
Our compassionate and knowledgeable team is here to address your unique needs and provide the best possible care for your child’s neurodevelopmental journey.
Our compassionate and knowledgeable team is here to address your unique needs and provide the best possible care for your child’s neurodevelopmental journey.
This is a FREE transition resource event for students with autism. We encourage caregivers of students of all ages to join us for this event. It is never to early to think about the transition process. You will be able to talk with experts and learn about building independence.
The event will take place between 5:15 and 7:00. Please come and go from the event as needed.
From 5:15to 5:45, there will be a panel discussion with agencies that support the transition process.
From 5:45 to 7:00, you will be able to walk around different resource tables to meet and discuss more specific questions with participating agencies.